What to Buy for Your Classroom and What to Leave Behind For Less Back-to-School Stress

What to Buy for Your Classroom and What to Leave Behind For Less Back-to-School Stress

I am a shopaholic. I admit it. It’s true. Want to hear something even worse? My shopping addiction only gets worse when I feel stressed – so basically the entire school year!

That fact, along with all the TikTok videos, back-to-school-themed store displays, and online sales (looking at you, Amazon Prime Day) means that I have spent way too much money on my classroom over the last few years. As a math teacher, I couldn’t even total it up for you!

I remember when I was a first-year teacher, feeling like I needed everything other teachers recommended or shared to feel like the real, successful teacher that I desperately wanted to be. Here’s what I learned the hard way: the material purchases may make you feel like a teacher, but unless you have a plan for each piece, they could end up as a waste of your limited funds! 

Luckily for you, you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. Here are five things I wish I bought sooner, and three things I wish I never bought!

My Classroom Must Haves:

  1. Erasable Pens – Are you Team Flair Pen or Team Inkjoy? I am neither! After I started using Frixon Erasable Pens, I could never go back. They last just as long as Inkjoys and honestly longer than any Flair pen I’ve used. With my plans constantly changing, I need a pen that I can erase! Before I found these pens, my planner was constantly crossed out or had arrows going every which way, which made me not even want to open it up! My go-to color is purple.
  2. White Board Adhesive Sheets – This is a must-have for me! These sheets by Post It are adhesive and can be stuck in many places. I stuck one under my projector to be able to write on or on a clipboard to take with me in co-teaching classes. I also leave the backing on and use them as typical whiteboards for students to grab and go. They’ve held up great for years!
  3. Mini Fridge/Microwave – So, this is technically two items, I know. But, talk about a game-changer! I brought in an old microwave from my college days and bought a small skin care fridge on Prime Day (Thanks, Jeff Bezos), and now my lunch is so much more enjoyable!
  4. Quiet Fidgets – From fidget spinners, to slime, to pop-its, my students constantly have fidgets. I recognize how important they can be for some students, but I find them to be so distracting while I am trying to teach! The little popping or zipping noises are difficult to ignore, and I am still cringing from when a student got slime stuck in the pages of one of my classroom books! I recommend some quiet fidgets, like these marble fidgets, which are virtually silent and still help your students get out the urge to fidget!  I even use them in long meetings myself!
  5. Golf Pencils – I have spent most of my money on pencils, only for my middle school students to lose them during their three-minute passing time! I started buying golf pencils and have been handing those out. Because they are smaller, they are also cheaper, and I don’t feel as bad if they don’t come back!  If you’re a middle or high school teacher who is wondering why your students seem to be eating pencils for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I urge you to try it!

The Things I Wish I Never Added To Cart:

  1. The Rainbow Cart – You know the one. Yes, I know it’s cute. However, believe me when I say that the quality of this sought-after piece is lacking. After one semester of gentle use, my cart became the Leaning Tower of Pisa. After just one school year, opening most of the drawers without them falling off of their tracks was impossible. After a few years of barely using this cart, I finally threw the frame away and kept the drawers to use as bins for different math centers or paperwork. The idea is great, but please, find something that is able to withstand years of use in order to get the most bang for your buck!
  2. Bins – I am a sucker for a cute bin, but over the years, I have acquired too many bins. Yes, it’s possible! I have a whole cabinet in my classroom that is full of empty mismatched bins. My advice is to only buy a bin if you know exactly what you are going to put in it or use it for. If mismatched bins bother you, I recommend shopping at Target Dollar Spot. Each year, they have mainly the same bins, but slightly different colors, so you know they will be able to match last year’s bins. They can also easily be spray painted to match your classroom theme!
  3. Books – Ok, I know this sounds bad. Hear me out on this one. I love reading and I spend a lot of time at thrift stores. For the first few years of my teaching career, I was always digging through the bookshelves to find children’s books. I bought hundreds of books from well-known authors and series, all at a discount, of course. However, most of those books remained untouched in my classroom, taking up a lot of room and collecting dust (and a few dead spiders). My students always want the newest graphic novels and never reached for most of the chapter books I had gotten at their level. Unfortunately, most of my students definitely judge books by their covers and don’t get excited over the older or worn-out books. Now, I only buy books that I know my students will read, like sequels to books they have loved or new books with unique stories that make my students feel seen. 

I would honestly say that it took me about six years to feel like I had everything that I needed and wanted in my classroom, so don’t pressure yourself to have a picture-perfect classroom right away! Over time, you will find what you need and what doesn’t work for you, and when you do, your classroom will feel like home! 

What is one classroom purchase that you have loved or regretted? Let me know in the comments!

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