Special Education
Classroom Exit Tickets: A Quick Routine with Big Benefits
If you walk into my classroom, one routine you’ll probably see is students either completing or reviewing exit tickets. I use exit tickets almost every
Easy Scaffolding Strategies for Teachers
As teachers, we hear the same buzzwords all the time; words like differentiate, formative assessment, and scaffolding come to mind for me. We hear these
Not Just Another Worksheet – Easy Digital Activities Your Students Will Love!
With copy limits, limited time, and absent students, printed paper copies of assignments can truly be a hassle! During Covid, a lot of teachers were
Tips & Tricks for Stress-Free Parent Communication
Depending on your past experience, some teachers find parent communication one of the most daunting parts of the job! Here are my tips for making
Paragraph of the Week: Quick & Easy Writing Intervention Strategy
My biggest issue as a resource teacher? Time! It’s the one thing I can never get enough of, so I am all about quick classroom
A Guide to IEP Goal Progress Monitoring: What Special Education Teachers Need to Know!
I have to be honest – the concept of IEP progress monitoring was something I was very unprepared for as a first-year resource room teacher.
Building a Strong Team: Tips for Setting Your Teacher Assistants Up for Success
As a special education teacher, having a teacher assistant can be a lifesaver! Maybe your school calls them paraprofessionals, teacher aides, instructional assistants, or something
IEP Goal Writing Made Easy: Tips & Tricks for Educators
A quick little disclaimer: The following information is what I have personally learned through 8 years of teaching special education in Michigan. It should be
Accommodations Explained – Checking for Understanding
As a classroom teacher, providing the necessary accommodations to your special education or 504 students may feel like ONE MORE THING added to your already
Successful Co-Teaching Practices for Happy Teachers and Engaged Students
Coteaching is becoming a very popular arrangement in education. It is a way for special education students to receive support in their general education classrooms
Just Give Them Multiplication Charts, Already!
Every now and then, I see a post on a teacher facebook group regarding middle school students and their lack of automaticity with math facts.
Easy Breezy IEPs: A Beginner’s Guide to Organizing & Leading IEP Meetings – Part 2: Writing the IEP
So, you’ve scheduled the IEP meeting, and it’s approaching fast! Now, it’s time to write the IEP documents! Nowadays, most districts have a digital system
New School Year Prep as a Resource Room Teacher
Fall is my favorite time of year. From the weather to the fashion, to new school supplies, all of my favorite things happen in the
Make the Most Out of Your IEP Snapshots
IEP snapshots, also called IEPs at a Glance, are incredible tools for supporting your students and your colleagues. While they may feel like just one