We All Make Mistakes – Error Analysis in the Middle School Math Resource Classroom

We All Make Mistakes – Error Analysis in the Middle School Math Resource Classroom

We all make mistakes, so let’s learn from them! One of the most difficult parts of being a teacher is having a great lesson with your students and thinking they are totally understanding the math concept, only to have them complete an exit ticket or homework assignment completely wrong! It can be discouraging, especially when their mistakes can be easily avoided and are a result of just not paying attention to their work!  Sound familiar? This happens all the time in my middle school math resource classroom - and I can guarantee that my students are doing the same thing…
Just Give Them Multiplication Charts, Already!

Just Give Them Multiplication Charts, Already!

Every now and then, I see a post on a teacher facebook group regarding middle school students and their lack of automaticity with math facts. Teachers flood the comments with well-intentioned suggestions of math fact websites and games to play or share similar struggles from their own classrooms.  I always comment the same thing, ‘give them a multiplication chart and move on’! I understand why these posts happen so often. When I was growing up, math fact memorization was a huge deal. We had timed “math minutes”, which were timed races to determine who had memorized their facts. They caused…
Beating the Sunday Scaries: It’s Time to Take Back Your Weekends!

Beating the Sunday Scaries: It’s Time to Take Back Your Weekends!

With the start of the school year comes the return of the Sunday Scaries - that feeling in the pit of your stomach caused by the stress of a looming Monday morning and busy work week. Most teachers are too familiar with this feeling. These anxious feelings are only made worse by the fact that I frequently struggle to turn off the “teaching” part of my brain, so letting go enough to actually relax on the weekend is really difficult for me. Over the last few years, I’ve managed to tame my Sunday Scaries - well, for the most part.…
Easy Breezy IEPs: A Beginner’s Guide to Organizing & Leading IEP Meetings – Part 1

Easy Breezy IEPs: A Beginner’s Guide to Organizing & Leading IEP Meetings – Part 1

As a new special education teacher, IEP meetings, short for Individual Education Plans, can be the most stressful, scary, and overwhelming thing! I remember spending hours slaving over my first IEP and hardly being able to sleep the night before due to nerves! Over the years, I've learned that taking some time to prepare ahead of time can make these meetings a walk in the park and help solidify your relationship with families and your role as an advocate for your students! Now that I've done over 100 IEP meetings, I have my process nailed down! Here’s what I do…
5 Effortless Activities for the First Week of School

5 Effortless Activities for the First Week of School

With all of my local stores putting up their back-to-school displays, it’s hard to shake the feeling that the new school year is just around the corner. Whether that makes you want to happy dance or gives you the heebie-jeebies, there is no avoiding the back-to-school season! Even though I’m going into my seventh year of teaching, I still get a bit anxious when I see the ads for pencils, folders, and notebooks! I always feel better when I have a plan in place and can look forward to fun activities to do with my future students instead of the…