5 Effortless Activities for the First Week of School

5 Effortless Activities for the First Week of School

With all of my local stores putting up their back-to-school displays, it’s hard to shake the feeling that the new school year is just around the corner. Whether that makes you want to happy dance or gives you the heebie-jeebies, there is no avoiding the back-to-school season! Even though I’m going into my seventh year of teaching, I still get a bit anxious when I see the ads for pencils, folders, and notebooks! I always feel better when I have a plan in place and can look forward to fun activities to do with my future students instead of the…
Make the Most Out of Your IEP Snapshots

Make the Most Out of Your IEP Snapshots

IEP snapshots, also called IEPs at a Glance, are incredible tools for supporting your students and your colleagues. While they may feel like just one more thing added to our already long to do lists as special education teachers, IEP snapshots are a great way to proactively advocate for your students in a non threatening way. They help your general education teachers get to know your students, communicate student accommodations that legally must be followed, and send a signal to the teachers that you are available to support them and are a team player.  Here are my tips and tricks…